Powder Fresh

Tunnelling through…

December 4, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — shezahasan @ 11:09 pm

Just spoke to Sheza, she called. Alhamdulillah she and Freesia are doing well. Mama said that she is sooo tiny and came in at 6lb and 9 oz. Freesia came out super fast (totally unlike big Bro Eesa and cousin Belaal), Sheza was holding it in when she reached the hospital because she wanted the epidural. After waiting 40 minutes for the epidural, her water broke so they said they can’t wait for the epidural any longer and she popped Freesia out. I asked if she looked like Eesa as a newborn and she said no, Eesa was long and Freesia is round and reminded her of Aisha. We will be leaving for the hospital in an hour so I will take pictures and post them when I come back Inshallah (it may be late though).


4 Responses to “”

  1. Ayesha Khan Says:

    aww mashaAllah, she was in a RUSH to get here!! she knew she had losta aunts waiting for her… 😀

    waiting for the pics….

  2. Atiqa Ahmed Says:

    Assalamu alykum Sheza!!!
    Congrats to you and your family. Eesa is finally a big brother MashAllah. Congrats to you to Maryam and Nyma and the rest of the gang!!!
    Wow, no epidural, you go girl!!!
    Talk to you soon

  3. aasi maasi Says:

    just like her cousin yusuf 😉
    alhamdulillah glad to hear everything is well.. im super excited to see the pics !!
    aaaaaaaahhhhhhh – alhamdulilah shes here… im sooo happy for you guys
    welcome to the world baby freesia ❤ cant wait to meet you inshaAllah.

  4. Mona Says:

    subhanAllah. congratulations sheza and family!
    welcome, freesia!

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